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Currencies - Dubai ChronicleCurrencies
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Solving the Big Problems | ORNLOak Ridge National Laboratory is among the world’s premier research institutions, empowering leaders and teams to pursue breakthroughs in an environment marked by operational excellence and engagement with the communitie
Ashton Hayes: a village in rural CheshireAshton Hayes: compiled by Sylvia Milne, retired librarian
Official Vinyl Albums Chart | Official ChartsThe UK's official best-selling vinyl albums of the week, based on sales across a seven-day period, compiled by the Official Charts Company.
Official Vinyl Singles Chart | Official ChartsThe UK's official best-selling vinyl albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of 7 and 12 inch formats across a seven day period.
Wicked Good Guide to Boston English | Universal HubCompiled by Adam Gaffin Everybody says words different, said Ivy. Arkansas folks says em different, and Oklahomy folks says em different. And we seen a lady from Massachusetts, an she said em different of all. C
Stick Figures | WelcomeStick Figures is a 132 page book and companion CD showcasing the art of drumming. Featuring some of Australia s most famous drummers. Compiled by well-known Melbourne percussionist and educator, David Hicks.
Stick Figures | WelcomeStick Figures is a 132 page book and companion CD showcasing the art of drumming. Featuring some of Australia s most famous drummers. Compiled by well-known Melbourne percussionist and educator, David Hicks.
Business, Legal, Tax, Investment, Accounting News | ASEAN BriefingASEAN Briefing publishes business news, resources and publications concerning foreign direct investment into ASEAN, including the most important tax, legal and economic issues in Southeast Asia.
Sylvia Milne's WebpageUseful internet sites compiled by Sylvia Milne, a retired English librarian, includes news, library catalogues, search engines and sites of special interest to seniors
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